Before the Season Starts
☐ Check to make sure sports and recreation activities are approved by your local and provincial government
☐ Understand the new safety rules and expectations for participants during COVID-19 and talk about them with your child.
☐ Each child should have their own face mask, hand sanitizer, towel, water bottle, and tissues labeled with their names
☐ All youth athletes should have an up-to-date sports physical before participating
Prior to Practice or Games
☐ Athletes should stay home from practice or games if they’re feeling sick or have any symptoms of COVID-19, and get a test if recommended by a medical professional
☐ Wash hands before arriving, or use hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available.
☐ Bring sports equipment, water bottle, hand sanitizer, and face mask labeled with name.
☐ Stay in car or assigned school location until your coach is ready to start practice.
☐ Avoid gathering in groups before practice, maintain physical distance, and wear a face mask
During Practices and Games
☐ Athletes should maintain physical distance as much as possible
Spectators attending events must maintain physical distance and are required to wear face masks when physical distance cannot be maintained (ex. sitting in bleachers)
Spectators must maintain the recommended physical distance of three metres as recommended by Alberta Health Services.
Spectators should have personal sanitizers available, but may also use the sanitization stations provided by Big Time Players 7v7.
☐ With the exception of gameplay, all players are required to wear face masks at all times, especially when on the sidelines
☐ Avoid the following high-risk behaviours:
Huddles, high-fives, fist bumps, handshakes, etc.
Sharing food or drinks with teammates
Cheering, chanting, or singing when closer three metres from others
Spitting or blowing nose without a tissue.
☐ Store personal equipment three metres from teammates’ equipment
☐ Do not share equipment with teammates
☐ Sanitize hands before and after using shared equipment
☐ Tell a coach if you are not feeling well, leave practice, and follow all protocols outlined by Alberta Health Services
After Practices or Games
☐ Wash or sanitize hands.
☐ Wash or replace face masks, clothing/uniform, equipment, etc.
If an Athlete has COVID-19 or is a Close Contact of a Confirmed Case
Anyone who has been notified of a positive COVID-19 test should get their doctors approval before returning to exercise or sports. They need a minimum of 14 days of rest without exercise or competition. Players who have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 must refrain from participating in practices or games until they have been tested. Players may return to games and practice once a negative COVID-19 test can be presented to the Big Time Players 7V7 Coaches and the Big Time Players 7v7 Health and Safety Committee for confirmation.
If a team has a probable or confirmed case of COVID-19, all players on that team must be tested and either complete a 14-day quarantine, or produce a negative COVID-19 test.